Precepts for the Deceased: An Inconceivable Dharma Door (continued)

比丘恒實 講於 萬佛城室外帳篷大殿2000831日星期四晚
A talk by Bhikshu Heng Sure on Thursday evening, August 31, 2000, in the Buddha Hall, City of 10,000 Buddhas 

怎麼說呢?第一次在萬佛城傳授幽冥戒是在1987年,水陸空大法會功德圓滿那一天。那時有一位女居士,臺灣板橋來的,是從事殺雞殺鴨的行業,所有臺北市、板橋的這些餐館都是向她家買雞鴨,去做紅燒雞鴨什麼的,所以她的殺業太重了,殺了太多的雞鴨。結果怎麼樣?她睡不著覺,晚上做夢這些雞鴨來啄她。她眼睛下面有很多黑影,因為睡不著覺,所以她說,「師父!師父!怎麼辦呢?」上人就說,「那妳就要醒醒啊!妳可以求授幽冥戒。」她說,「什麼叫幽冥戒?師父。」上人說,「Don't worry!你們放心好了。我們可以試一試,但是要誠心。」然後上人告訴我們出家眾怎麼行這個法門,幽冥戒多半是晚上傳的,如果可能的話。所以我們第二天就照樣做了,這個境界眞是非常非常感人的。






Why do I say that? The first transmission of the Precepts for the Deceased took place at the CTTB in 1987, at the conclusion of the Great Water, Land and Air Dharma Assembly. One laywoman from Banqiao, Taiwan was in the profession of slaughtering chickens and ducks. All the restaurants in Banqiao and Taipei purchased chickens and ducks from her family. Therefore, her karma of killing was extremely heavy, for she had killed so many chickens and ducks. She had dreams of chickens and ducks pecking at her. She had dark circles around her eyes and couldn't sleep at night. She asked the Venerable Master what to do. The Venerable Master said, "You have to wake up. You may request to receive the Precepts for the Deceased." She asked, "What are they?" The Venerable Master answered, "Don't worry! We'll try it. You just be sincere." Then the Venerable Master told us Sangha members to organize this ceremony. The Precepts for the Deceased are typically transmitted at night and the ceremony is very, very moving.

After everyone, including Dharma Master Zhengchan, Dharma Master Mingyang, Dharma Master Mingzhe, and many other virtuous ones, took a group picture on the steps of the newly constructed Five Contemplations Dining Hall, that laywoman came over. The Venerable Master asked her, "Well? How many chickens and ducks were liberated?" She said, "Venerable Master, I saw lots of chickens and ducks fly away from me." The Venerable Master said, "Not all of them have fled. You still have a lot. You have killed too much. Do you understand? You might have to be more sincere! Be more diligent!"

Another individual said, "Venerable Master, I saw lots of people in the air while you transmitted the precepts. They were wearing clothes from an ancient era. Their attire was not that of commoners. They wore lots of jewelry. What was strange was that each one was holding a chopped off head in his or her hands. There were several thousand of them. It was very scary! What was that all about?" The Venerable Master answered, "Yes, what was that all  about? What language did they speak?" The person said, "They  seemed to be speaking French." What happens with the Precepts  for the Deceased is that you invite a particular member of the  underworld by carrying a plaque with his or her name on it.      

The deceased individual so named comes to receive the merit and virtue  that you have cultivated for him or her. The brilliance from that  merit and virtue also shines upon some poor, lonely souls. That results are significant. The Venerable Master then said, "Does anyone  know who that group of French-speaking people were?" Someone  said, "Are they King Louis and his queen during the time of the  French Revolution?" The Venerable Master said, "Probably. No  one had done any merit and virtue for them all this time. They had  been in purgatory for several hundred years." Everyone was at a  loss. That group of aristocrats had been massacred in eighteenth  century France and had been roaming the underworld since their  deaths. Could it be that they were rescued from the underworld  only now, with the transmission of Precepts for the Deceased at  the CTTB? That's a possibility. I don't know either. But I heard  this conversation with my own ears. It's truly inconceivable.

Hence, no one must be stingy. Since you have come to request the Precepts for the Deceased with sincerity, the wondrous functionsare very, very wonderful indeed. For this reason, whenever a Buddhist requests the Precepts for the Deceased at a location that
has been struck by natural or man-made disasters, the precept transmission turns the bad energy in the universe into proper and efficacious energy.

( The End )
Venerable Master's Dharma Words
In our daily cultivation, we should maintain an attitude of calm equanimity, meaning we should be placid and serene at all times,  without any ripples or waves in our natures. That's what's meant by "afflictions are bodhi" and "birth and death are nirvana."


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